Create your wiki page

go to and create your personal wiki for this class

Many of you already have a wikispace account so simply create a new page

title and and design this new page something like "your name computer apps" but the actual name is up to you

1. Open Chrome, firefox, or internet explorer 

2. Go to 

3. If you do not have a wikispaces click on Login at the top right hand screen 

4. Click on "Create new wikispaces account" (its below Forgot your password? and above Sign in with open ID

5. Register for account 

Once you have registered for an account 

1. Login to 

2. click on "create page" 

3. It will ask you for a title and tag. Title: Computer Applications. Tags: None. Don't put any. 

4. Click save when finished  

5. Having trouble? Find answers here:

Look through the help center before raising your hand